Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Importance of Documented Rules in Society

As much as we may think that life would be great without rules, we all know deep down that these guidelines are completely necessary for a well functioning society. Anarchy only results in total destruction of society and anti-productivity. Rules need to be written and well enforced to keep people in line. However, rules must not be over imposed or overwritten, for this would lead to a lack of freedom. This would also lead to destruction of society and anti-productivity but for different reasons from anarchy.

It feels to me like there are a lot of people that claim to be are anarchists. I honestly don't believe that anyone who claims this really knows what they are talking about. Anarchy is a one way ticket to explosion town. Looting, pillaging, and other such acts would ensue all around the world. This can be seen even when there are rules, but without that fear that accompanies rules, people would do it without a thought. This kind of thing would become second nature to these people of the anarchy. Without any rules at all no one would even try to follow an "honor system"; this system would no longer exist at all. After most society would become wiped out, people would naturally make rules again.

Now, I'm not saying that governments need to have rules that are super-strict. Life would be like a prison if this happened. But some rules need to be applied to keep a system running smoothly. There would need to be laws to prevent robbery, murder, rape, etc. As I have said, I feel that a fear of laws, or of consequences stemming from those laws, is almost as good of an enforcer as the actual enforcers of the law. People would have to be deranged to ignore some of the consequences just to do some sort of crime.

Over imposed laws would make this whole idea come full circle. People would feel need for a revolution. This would lead back to Anarchy, thus destroying everything. And so, rules are completely necessary in society.

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