Thursday, November 12, 2009

Declaration of Work Ethics and Organization

I'm just going to come out and say it: I have no work ethics. I'm lazy. I don't like doing anything that I don't enjoy. Sometimes I don't even like doing things that I do enjoy. For instance, these blogs. I love doing them. They're fun. But they take me some time and effort, and I don't like giving up time or effort. I've always been a big believer in "I don't have to do the work if I understand what's going on." However, recently, my ideas have been changed. People have deadlines. When I grow up and have a job, I will NEED NEED NEED to have a good work ethic. I'm looking into a career in engineering. Although it may seem like engineers push back deadlines a lot (i.e. roads or bridges closed for months at a time), they really DO work around deadlines. Their projects are just bigger than anything that I, or any of my peers, have ever done. If I really want to achieve this goal, I need to work hard now to go to a good college, work hard in college to get a good job, and work hard at my job to earn money for my (hopefully) family. I might as well start right now. Therefore, I declare my new work ethic. It is a good work ethic. I will do my work AHEAD of its deadline. I will work hard when given time in class. I will break free from my shyness and ask for help if I need it.

Another thing that would hopefully help increase my productivity is organization. I'm soooooo unorganized. It's ridiculous. Seriously, all you have to do is look inside my locker at school. It is so messy! I really need to clean it out, get rid of what I don't need, file what I will need later in some neat way, and have everything that I need now close at hand for when I will undoubtedly need it.

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